Hey There!

Welcome to my site! I specialize in helping women approach life with confidence through movement and mindset work and how to work with the body instead of against it AND to go after their goals with courage. I use my expertise as a personal trainer (with an emphasis on strength training) and a Behavior Change Specialist (creating tools to help bring about lasting change and supportive lifestyle habits) to help women navigate their lives and bodies at every stage and age with curiosity, grace, ease and excitement. To help them shut out the noise of what they “should” be doing, quit the comparison game and be intentional about focusing on what feels good to them and how to bring that goodness into their lives daily.

If this sounds like you, I invite you to get comfortable, take a look around and contact me if you are interested in learning more about my work or coaching with meI’m so happy you’re here and hope you stay for a while! 

I BELIEVE I can give you great coaching, but most of all, I believe I can give you a great experience!